
Friday, January 27, 2012

How The Rich Stay Rich

JAY-Z & BEYONCE ANNOUNCE THEIR BABY BLUE IVY'S  GODPARENTS!! just got word that Beyonce and Jay Z have DECIDED on who is to be their daughter BLUE's godparents . . . and you're not gonna BELIEVE IT!!!

According to an EXTREMELY reliable insider, Jigga and Bey have chosen OPRAH WINFREY to be the godmother, and Jay's best friend Tyran "Ty Ty" Smith, the godfather. So why Oprah . . . Well word is that Oprah has become a CLOSE PERSONAL friend to both Jay and Bey. And the pair wanted to give the "godparents" role to people NOT ALREADY related to them by family (i.e. Solange, or Bey's BF - her cousin Angie)

Oh, and it doesn't hurt that the new GODMOTHER is the most POWERFUL WOMAN IN THE WORLD not named MICHELLE OBAMA!!!

@Beyonce | @S_C_ | @Oprah

 New Courtesy of

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