
Friday, January 27, 2012

Almost Back To Normal!!

Well typically I wouldn't really even waste my breath talking about a character such as Nick Cannon. But out of the sympathy of my heart, I figured I'd share a tidbit with you guys. I haven't really payed much attention to Nick Cannon since he played the role of that nappy haired goofy ass high school kid in that movie. And then again im sure we all remember how Eminem basically ethered him from the rap game where he seems to have been banned forever. However recently he's been dealing with some health complications and went under operation for his kidney issues. That pretty much sucks considering that him and Mariah are supposed to be in the celebration stage after newly becoming parents. After his operation this is how Mariah Carey wished her boo back into health. By cop'n a brand new $300K Ferrari!! Ya.. I guess ballin is still a habit for Mariah...  And to Nick Cannon, well... #GetWellSoon

@NickCannon | @MariahCarey

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